Monday, April 21, 2008

NETS for Teachers

As far as I can tell, the most recent update on NETS for teachers is 2000. The website adds that the 2008 updates will be published in June of 2008. I had no idea that the website served as a preservice for teachers, which provides a framework for teachers as to how to implement technology in teaching in the classroom. I actually had no idea that such a website existed. I do wonder who actually uses the website. If I wasn't currently enrolled in the this technology class I would never have stumbled across it. I also wonder who enforces these standards. I know that some technology standards are embedded in the California State Standards, but how many teachers actually implement the technology standards? Where do teachers get the training to implement these standards? Is it only from taking a technology course that clears their credential? The first standard states that teachers "demonstrate sound understanding of technology operations and concepts." I wonder who is testing teachers to know if they are meeting this standard as it is described in the student standards. It seems rather subjective. Next, teachers must design and implement lesson plans supported by technology. Again, who measures this? The third standard states that teachers must be able to use technology in the curriculum that maximizes student learning. Next, teachers must be able to use technology to do assessments and evaluations. Another standard is that teachers use technology to help themselves be more productive in their professional practice. Finally, teachers must understand the social, ethical, and legal issues surrounding the use of technology.

Although I appreciate the standards and guidelines stated on this website, I am wondering who actually uses this. Again, I would never have seen the website if I wasn't directed there by this class. Are all teachers supposed to understand and implement all of these standards? If so, how is this enforced? Do administrators check to ensure that teachers abide by these guidelines? I think they are great to digest and implement, but I wonder how many teachers actually take the time to look at these standards. In the ideal world, all teachers would use these standards to guide instruction and lesson plans. However, I know that at my school, not too many people implement technology in their classrooms. This could be a very useful website if all educators took a look at it. It is my hope that teachers take more than one technology class when they are earning their credential. It is amazing how much I have learned about technology in such a short period of time.

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